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Recommendations for Creating Ad Texts

Recommendations for Creating Ad Texts

  1. Ad text: no more than 160 characters.

  2. Excessive emotionality is prohibited.

Wow, what a great psychology course. Everything will definitely be great with this.Psychology course from an experienced expert practitioner. With this you can fix internal blockers.
  1. Exclamation marks should not be used.

  2. Imperative mood should not be used.

You can read more on my channel.Read more on my channel.
  1. Don't use excessively informal language.

  2. The use of one standard emoji is allowed if appropriate. Emoji = 2 characters.

  3. A maximum of ten custom emojis can be used in a single ad.

  4. Correct spelling and grammar must be used.

  5. Do not confuse the hyphen, the en-dash, and the em-dash. Hyphen (-), en-dash (–), em-dash (—).

  • Hyphen: Investments - new year trend.
  • En-dash: Bitcoin still on-hype.
  • Em-dash: Yield is 6—7% per annum.
  1. The superlative form should not be used: best, top, etc.

  2. The use of unverified data is prohibited.

  3. The text must not mislead.

  4. Clickbait is prohibited.

  5. Content in the advertised object (channel, bot, or site) and the text of the creative must match. If the post linked by the ad talks about five harmful habits, the creative should also mention reading about five harmful habits. The link cannot go to a channel about teaching design, but your creative is about how to create a business from scratch.

Links in advertisements should not contain domain names. However, you can use:

  1. A link to the advertised channel, e.g., Subscribe to the channel @russia The channel link can be in two forms: @namechannel or

  2. A link to the advertised post, e.g., Learn more here — The link to the post can be in this form:

If you are advertising a website, the link can only be placed in a special URL field, not in the creative text itself. If you add a link to text, a Link Format error will appear.

Prohibited topics

#Prohibited Topics
1Graphic, shocking, or sexual content.
2Hatred, violence, harassment.
3Third-party rights.
4Deceptive, misleading or predatory advertising. Ads must not contain information that is false, misleading or inconsistent with the subject matter advertised. This includes misleading claims, false offers, warnings of negative outcomes if someone doesn't use a product or service, and predatory advertising. Phrases that refernce the personal characteristics of the user are prohibited.
5Pre-election or political advertising.
6Gambling, betting, casinos (including channels offering tips, odds/handicaps, forecasts).
7Fraudulent or harmful financial products or services, including: payday loans, cash loans, predatory lending, including short-term loans; quick-rich schemes, pyramids, multi-level marketing, including investment offers with guaranteed returns; claims of providing insider investment tips.
8Uncertified medical services, drugs, supplements, unrealistic health improvement promises.
9Drugs, alcohol, tobacco.
10Weapons, firearms, explosives, ammunition, and related topics.
11Spam software, malware, hacking.
12Products of dubious legality: forgeries of documents, human trafficking, the actions of marriage brokers, and anything that affects people's destinies; publishing data without the author's consent, both current and outdated; selling organs and bodily fluids; dealing in counterfeit goods, including unapproved electronics; and any pyramid schemes, including investment ones.
13If a channel includes information about medical services (unlicensed), it will be rejected.
14Advertising dating sites/channels is also prohibited.